Saturday, July 9, 2011

FML camera/Teaser video

So I finally freaking record a video that sounds decent. Im not biffing chords. Im trying to be quiet but my voice is mostly alright. What happens? Camera goes out halfway through. FML. I will re record tomorrow during a normal recording hour when there is more light and the battery is completely charged. Not the lie of a charge it said it had today. CAMERAS LIE! Sorry, I tend to get a bit emotional about recording crappy videos of me playing Tawny. Isnt she pretty though? I know, Im such a guitar groupie.

Watch below...

I suppose this could qualify as a teaser for tomorrow's video. Yeah. That's it. Teaser.

SN: I have officially given up on video editing software until I can get a program that likes me. That is all.

Also, if you find me moderately interesting, you can find me elsewhere in the following ways:


Thanks and
Good Day.


  1. Love it! Gotta watch you perform soon!!!

  2. BTW... that comment is from me... and by me I mean Patricia aka "Patrish" LOL!

  3. Yay Patrish!! Thanks for commenting, and thanks for your encouragements!
