Sunday, July 10, 2011

Enjoy The Life You Have!

You're in a positive bubbly mood and you want to spread it around. Sally Naysayer pipes in and tries to shut you down. For every good and wonderful thing you have to say, Sally has something equally negative and disheartening to say. Does this sound familiar to you? It seems the older I get, the harder it is to find happy, positive people with which to surround myself.

Dont get me wrong, Sally isnt a hater. Sally just sees the pitcher as 1/4 empty. There is an abundance of goodness right in front of her face, and yet all she can see is whats missing. I want so badly to help her heal, but she is close minded and obstinate. Alas, here we are. With me feeling like Im being suffocated and Sally approaching everything with negative thoughts and fear mongnerance. Yes, mongnerance = mongering + ignorance.

On the flip side of this conversation, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being vigilant and protecting yourself. But shutting yourself off to the world isnt going to do anything but make you alone. We are supposed to be with other people. The Bible says that it is not good for a man to be alone. I think that man in this context means mankind. That's why God gave Adam a helpmate. We are not meant to live in fear either. Im not saying sleep with the door unlocked or walk around unaware of your surroundings. Im saying recognize the difference between malignance and general curiosity. Everything is not bad. Get out there and see the world! There is so much here for us to enjoy and negative thinking closes us off from it. If we speak things that are not as though they were and they happen... think about it. What you say and believe in your heart determines the kind of life you lead because you make decisions based on those thoughts and feelings.

I am guilty of falling into it from time to time, but luckily, I have wonderful friends that snatch me out of it. They remind me that I can do anything. I believe I can make a mark and live forever through that mark long after my human body has expired. And you can too if you just believe it. That is the first step. And you cant start walking and not go anywhere, feel me? At the end of the day, as long as you have hope for tomorrow - even if it doesnt come, we dont think about that - you can make it whatever it was meant to be. In everything you do, remember those things. You can do anything good that can be done! If you really want to do it, it can be done. Pete Repeat. Anything you want to do can be done! Have I driven it home yet? No? Still want to be:

? Okay, just dont say I didnt try to give you something. If I see anyone making this face, I will hug the living crap out of you. And I might tickle you until you laugh. If you arent ticklish, I will tickle a penguin in front of you until you smile. I will keep going until you smile. That is my mission in life. To bring joy to the masses. I want everyone to know the happiness I feel when I share myself with all two of you. No more fear, crying, sadness, hunger. My greatest desire is to see everyone feeling loved and safe. And happy.

GOOD day.

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