Saturday, July 9, 2011

Conservatively Dressed Women Can Be Sexy Too!

What is this whole thing with men and their visual nature leading them to choose the raunchiest looking woman at the karaoke bar? I dont pick men up in bars, Im just making the point. I wear glasses most of the time and usually only dress up to go to church or work, but dang. Can a sistah get some play? Why do I have to put all my physical goodness on display? Why cant I be myself and make you do the necessary work to get to know me prior to peeling my wrapper? Can someone explain this?

When I go out and I see a woman dressed like this:

I automagically think she does this:

You know, for money. 

And then I wonder.... what happened to these women as girls to make them think this manner of dress is okay? A number of things come to mind of course: abuse, poor guidance, things of that nature. Like I wonder if anyone is familiar with this:

Yes, those are little girls. When they grow up, how do you think they will dress? If this is okay now, what's acceptable at 15? Of course this is all a matter of opinion, but I dont feel it necessary to have your children out with all their body exposed. I believe that our bodies are sacred temples and while I dont eat like I care about my temple, I am conscious of the fact that it is something to be cared for with great care. Yes, I just made a redundant statement. Its okay, I promise. 

Moving on, I want to drive home to all two of you how attractive covering one's body can be. It makes others imagine. Imagination is what drives the attraction. If you set up in your mind that things will be a certain way, then when you actually get to the MOMENT (you know what Im talking about) you will be so excited that you wont even remember the turtleneck or the tights or the slacks. The fun is in revelation of what is beneath. Get what I mean? 


Dont you want to know more about these women? AND they will be responsible and wont embarass you in public by getting too drunk and doing cocaine off some chicks boobs in the bathroom. Just saying. You know, lady in the street. Tina Fey has done a fantastic job of representing intelligence meshed with sexy. 

See the red shoes? Shes probably a tiger in the bedroom. I dont know. She always carries herself professionally in public settings. Not saying that women that dress a certain way dont. Im just saying I would like to have a conversation with her. I will listen to what she has to say because Im not distracted by her body hanging out of her clothes. I think its 90% perception, 10% reception. Feel me? If you look like you know what you're talking about, Im more likely to listen to what you have to say until you say something that makes me think you're either a complete idiot or a brilliant crazy person. Yes, I did listen to what Sarah Palin had to say. Then she was caught without a prepared speech and I began to doubt the validity of a lot of things she had to say. Well that and the way things are turned around and mottled in the media. I think Im done now.

Body parts hanging out is a distraction and if you want to be taken seriously as a person you either have to shout and fight or put your body away. You cant get mad if youre dressed like a prostitute and youre being treated like a prostitute. I suppose that goes both ways. Point made. What  is your take on the matter?

Good Day.

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